Friends, 2023 was quite a year. Lots of changes in Sunworks, all for the better.
In the fall of 2023 we reopening White Gallery. Susan Woolgar’s work is featured currently. We encourage you to come down and see the current collection.
Also last fall we closed and sold Tribe. The new restaurant will open this week we understand. We are delighted to be able to refocus our energies on our retail shop, cafe, and gallery without the distractions of another business, as successful as it was.
This spring the shop is filling up with new products from all over the world. March will be a big month for us as we receive new product and introduce you to some truly delightfully things.
March we also launch our new menu, a slight revision from previous one, but a little more variety. Yes, you’ll be able to get a breakfast sandwich until 10 a.m. And we’ll have daily features that you’ve come to love from our previous menus.
In April, we’ll begin the final construction of the patio behind Sunworks, we’re looking forward to hosting a lovely garden party in the future.
We’ve rented the space nest door to us to a health and wellness business. They will soon begin renovations and open their doors in late spring/early summer. Watch for that progress.
As always, we value real conversation and face to face interactions. Come down sometime and see the progress we are making. It’s going to be a stellar year.